Archive for the ‘ Music ’ Category

Product #1.4 – Singorama!

Do you think you can sing pretty well, but just can’t hit that extra octave? I think this product will help you achieve that extra umph you need!

For more info on this product click here!


Singorama lets you improve your vocal range and understand your own voice’s capabilities. This program will help you figure out good warm up techniques to get your voice in the best tone it can be. It even goes into how to breathe and position your posture correctly! I’ve personally never seen a system like this go into such depth.

Of course, it also covers how to stay in pitch and work the tone of your voice to match almost any kind of music you want to be able to sing! Also, it hits on things that you want to avoid and lots of common things that you shouldn’t get into! Singorama also helps you change a song in a perfect way to make it your own, yet still have the original essence in there! There are so many more features to this product, including a mini-program that lets you record your voice and play it back to hear what you sound like; even sing along with pre-set melodies or add in some virtual piano music! All of these totally helpful steps just for $99.95! (Limited until 3/2/10) That’s way cheaper than all the money you would waste on lessons that get you nowhere.


  • Wonderful steps to help you: increase your vocal range, keep your pitch, posture, and breathing under control.
  • Helps you prepare for any future auditions or performances.
  • No waiting time once you purchase, start straight away!
  • Record your voice and hear the playback seamlessly.
  • Price is currently $99.95 until 2/3/2010, so act now before it’s raised!
  • Well Done!
  • Product Website: Click here!