Product #1.5 – FarmVille Secrets

Do you play Farmville on Facebook? Are you still struggling with building up your farm and having to spend months on just getting started? Well then I recommend checking out this awesome guide called “Farmville Secrets: The Best Kept Secrets Revealed!”

Check out the product website here!

FarmVille Secrets

This guide uses completely legal and non-hack type of strategies to help you earn money and points quick, using the proper strategies as opposed to trial-and-error and hoping something works out. Grow levels quickly, and use the correct layout for your farm to stop your crops from withering away!

The amount of money you will gain will help you buy tons of buildings that you couldn’t afford before. Also, you will have no problem obtaining the tractors, or other vehicles you need. Fill your farm with roaming animals and not have to worry about being low on cash from buying them.

On this website, there’s countless testimonials of people who say it works, and also a video that shows you the author of the product, showing you his awesome farm and an introduction to his techniques and tricks. I am confident that this well done product will help you have the most successful FarmVille farm in your town!


  • No illegal or hack-type of cheats, just genuine and organic old-fashioned techniques to help you use proper strategies and avoid common mistakes.
  • This guide will help you earn money and points to buy buildings, vehicles, and animals…gain levels and have a lush and plentiful farm.
  • Only $27.00 and has a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your purchase, or if you stop playing FarmVille. No questions asked.
  • Well Done!
  • Product website here!

Product #1.4 – Singorama!

Do you think you can sing pretty well, but just can’t hit that extra octave? I think this product will help you achieve that extra umph you need!

For more info on this product click here!


Singorama lets you improve your vocal range and understand your own voice’s capabilities. This program will help you figure out good warm up techniques to get your voice in the best tone it can be. It even goes into how to breathe and position your posture correctly! I’ve personally never seen a system like this go into such depth.

Of course, it also covers how to stay in pitch and work the tone of your voice to match almost any kind of music you want to be able to sing! Also, it hits on things that you want to avoid and lots of common things that you shouldn’t get into! Singorama also helps you change a song in a perfect way to make it your own, yet still have the original essence in there! There are so many more features to this product, including a mini-program that lets you record your voice and play it back to hear what you sound like; even sing along with pre-set melodies or add in some virtual piano music! All of these totally helpful steps just for $99.95! (Limited until 3/2/10) That’s way cheaper than all the money you would waste on lessons that get you nowhere.


  • Wonderful steps to help you: increase your vocal range, keep your pitch, posture, and breathing under control.
  • Helps you prepare for any future auditions or performances.
  • No waiting time once you purchase, start straight away!
  • Record your voice and hear the playback seamlessly.
  • Price is currently $99.95 until 2/3/2010, so act now before it’s raised!
  • Well Done!
  • Product Website: Click here!

Product #1.3 – Rocket Spanish

Do you need to learn how to speak the beautiful language of Spanish, and fast? Well then take a chance on this awesome Spanish course!

Here’s the product’s website, click here.

Rocket Spanish

First of all, this website offers a free 6-day spanish course to see how you like their methods and if this program is the right one for you! Also, they have an interactive audio lesson program that lets you listen and hear a native spanish speaker talk. You can listen to these tracks as many times as you need until you get the hang of it!

This program covers a plethora of categories to teach you, and doesn’t leave anything out! You will learn about the culture, too, to better understand the feel of the language. There are games involved, and even a vocabulary builder tool. There are interactive quizzes to help you recognize your growth in the Spanish language, so you can see how much you’ve learned using this amazing product! So stop wasting buckets of money on Spanish speaking lessons, and do the smart thing…pay a one-time fee of $99.95…it only seems logical to me.


  • Very useful interactive program that lets you listen to native spanish speakers, play interactive games and take quizzes to help you see your growth.
  • No pressure to learn quickly! Take your time, and not have a teacher breaking down your neck.
  • It has a fun factor of the games, and even the adventurous appeal of learning something new in an easy way!
  • Definitely much cheaper in the long run than lessons. Only $99.95 all together for this awesome bundle!
  • “Well Done!”
  • Product website click here!

Product #1.2 – Fat Loss Nutrition System

Hey Again! This post is about a nutrition system guide called “Done For You” Fat Loss Meal Plans.

For info on this product click here!

Done For You

This system is based on helping you plan out your meals accordingly to cut out the extra few pounds you need to lose before that big party or swim meet. This system is not supposed to help you drop 100’s of pounds, just to help cut off maybe 10 or 20 here and there.

This is not a product like diet pills or any type of special food, just an organized plan to help you realize what is healthy and nutritious for your body type. There are books for both men and women in this product, and although some of the pictures on this website look a little ridiculous, I honestly and soundly believe that good nutrition will help you more than anything in the weight loss department.

It is essential to use both exercise and proper nutrition to get that ideal weight you’re looking for, so I’m convinced that this system they are offering will help you understand what are good serving sizes, as opposed to the usual WAY too much that we consume on a daily basis. It’s all about serving size and amount, so don’t risk being insecure with yourself…lose those few extra pounds the healthy way and let this system help you!


  • It’s not weird diet pills or super expensive work-out machines, or telling you to go on a crash diet. It’s planned out meals that help you get healthy!
  • Some of the pictures are a little ridiculous, but in all honesty I believe good nutrition will help you lose that 10-20 extra pounds you have.
  • Not too expensive; $107.00 for tons of guides and tricks to help you get your weight under control finally, and without risking your health more with stupid diet pills or gross food.
  • “Well Done!”
  • Product website here!

Product #1.1 Create Your Own eBook Covers

My first product I will be reviewing is called “Create Your Own eBook Covers.”

To see the website of this product, click here.

eBook covers logo

At first glance, this website does appear mediocre, however I think that might be appropriate for this situation because it is such a simple product. The product itself is a guide of how to use an already free photo editing program called GIMP (which I use, and it’s very efficient.) to create a cover for your eBook.

It contains step-by-step instructions which is always a plus, there’s nothing I can’t stand like instructions that beat around the bush and don’t get straight to the point. Also, there are pre-made templates which are very useful, a nice way to jump right into the swing of things and get a nice result. The last thing I’ll hit on for the contents is the mention that it will help you strategize to sell your eBook for money. I think this is the icing on the cake; not only does it help you create the cover, but also how to market it and get profit from it.

Recently, there have been video tutorials added to this offer, showing you step by step how to utilize the tools in the GIMP software, and even if you have never used a photo-editing program before, these will help you get a quick-start.

The price of this product is only $27.00, and they offer a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not happy with what you receive. Honestly, I give this product a “Well Done”, they offer endless sources of help and instruction, all for under $30.00! There are also other bonuses and extras that you get in this pack, so it’s not just a guide of how to use the software!


  • Awesome instruction and help to get you started quickly and easily without much hassle of the small details.
  • Lots of bonuses and extras that will not only help you create an amazing eBook cover, but also how to market it.
  • Low price for content, only $27.00 with an offer of a 100% money-back guarantee.
  • Well Done!
  • Product Website Here!


Hello everybody! (All 2 of you. Haha.) On this blog, I will be finding online products and reviewing them, giving them a personal rating of “Done, Well Done, or Undone.” Meaning basically…Good, Very Good, or Very Bad.

I will provide links to the product, and any pictures or information I can provide. Hopefully my opinions and views will help you, the reader, in finding something interesting or useful that can help you. I will also do my best to filter out any scams I find, as well as any terrible products you should be aware of.

Thank you, and I look forward to helping you with your digital shopping.
